Nature Friendly Practices |
1.Rain Water HarvestingWhile the government is taking measures to overcome the water crisis, hundreds of citizens and communities across the country are doing their bit by practising Rain Water Harvesting (RWH). This simple act of collecting and using rainwater is an ancient practice, and yet it has never been more relevant than it is today. RWH can go a long way to help mitigate the effects of depleting groundwater levels and fluctuating climate conditions. It can help recharge the water table, reduce urban flooding and finally, ensure water availability in water-scarce zones. We at Aakar also practice what we preach. We lead a self sustained system, where we collect and make proper use of rainwater and inculcate in students the value of water. 2. Solar PanelsUsing a source of renewable energy has helped not only our individual school, but the contiguous neighborhood as well. Installing solar enabled our school to run on clean energy while at the same time combating greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. In addition, especially with an on-site solar installation, it reduces dependence on outsourced fossil fuels and promotes renewable energy use in the surrounding area. Another long-term benefit of going solar is the knowledge students can gain from having this kind of innovation at their finger tips. Not only does a solar energy system encourage sustainable practices among the student body, but we have gone as far as integrating the system into their learning curriculum through science and/or math classes. 3. VermiCompostingWe at Aakar believe in recycling and making world a sustainable place. Be it a thousand-acre farm or a small patch of backyard garden, the soil needs to have long term fertility. While chemical fertilizers and nutrients can do the task quickly, the best approach is to make organic compost. Vermicompost falls into the category of organic compost, which helps to achieve optimum yields from the soil. Hence we make our own vermicompost. Which in turn is then used to fertilize own vegetable garden, flower garden and fruit orchards. The process of vermicomposting involves composting with different species of worms. It is used for a mixture of decomposing organic matter, vegetables or food waste, along with vermicast. The final product after the disintegration of this organic matter by the worms is vermicompost. While vermicomposting is an excellent way to educate students, it also promotes waste reduction. Teachers and students take part in experiments to encourage environmental leadership. We also use vermicomposting to recycle cafeteria waste and contribute to sustainability. Eco Friendly PracticesWe at Aakar...... • Encourage pupils to work among natureWe use footprints to reduce our carbon footprint! We have introduced “open classrooms” so that children can make the learning in open environment together, enjoying exercise, fresh air and a green way to start the day. • Have started green initiative in the officeA green school needs to start with its staff. Hence we have cut down on the paper we use by keeping electronic copies instead of printing things out. Little habits all add up, like making sure we switch off our appliances when not in use. • Encourage pupils for Eating greenWe encourage students and their parents to bring green food for lunch. Students are discouraged from eating junk food. They are asked to have at least have one fruit a day in school. • RecycleWe sort our rubbish and place recycling bins in the playground and everywhere else in the school. Soon it will be second nature for children to throw their apple cores into the food waste and their used paper scraps in the recycling. • We get down to earthWe let the children get friendly with natural world. We have dedicated a big patch of the school grounds to growing vegetables and fruits. Here students also learn, how to make their own manure. • Turn the old into something newWe make students wear their creative hat and just let them get creative and crafty. Children bring in the old objects and upcycle them into a new creation. This makes them understand the value of reuse and gets their gears churning. • We strive to be energy efficientWe turn off lights and shut down computers at the end of the day and whenever not needed. We keep the windows open to let the fresh air breath in and let the natural sunlight go its magic. We have used sustainable items to build our classrooms. • are Clean and greenMore than 50% of our school premises is covered with greenery. From fruit orchard to vegetable patches to flower garden, to the bamboo corners. Ducks and peafowl roam around freely in the premises. More than a hundred types of different trees and flowers are planted in the premise • have Sustainable classroomsOur classrooms are designed to use minimal electricity. The whole architecture is placed as such, to make sure that natural sunlight and breeze work around in the rooms. Big trees provide shades in the scorching summer too and let the air be cool when it enters the classrooms. • Get involved in the communityBeing green is all about taking care of the world around us – and that starts in the community. Our students regularly attend and take part in the community services and take initiative to make the world a better place by making people understand the values of nature and why it is of paramount importance to lead a nature loving life. |